
Hailing originally from the Twelveswood, Cohno'ra Vukoja began life in a traditional, nomadic Miqo'te family. As a kit, some Bad Things happened, and around age nine he wound up being raised by a severely isolated Duskwight woman.

After a particularly violent outburst, at age seventeen he compiled enough woodsin to evoke the ire of the Elementals and their Greenwrath. He wandered the Twelveswood for six years, bound to it as a wildling and tempered to the Elementals' will. How he was freed remains a mystery few have been granted an explanation for.

Not long after his freedom was granted, Cohno'ra ended up in Ul'dah after stowing away in a trading caravan. A stranger in a strange land, with the barest grasp of the Common language and no knowledge of how to earn a living in a city, he turned to theft as a means of survival.

It was here, in the city of Ul'dah, that Conor came to be the man he is today. Talents for language and theft, along with his unusually heightened senses, helped him grow to be a highly sought-after rogue. Knowledge of plants and a knack for growing them made it easy to earn gil selling moko and other plant based drugs, and a lack of any documentation helped him avoid paying taxes in the merchant city- which did not sit well with the authorities.

Life has been a series of trials for Conor, and throughout them all, he has maintained one goal: survival. It's only now that he is finding room for broader goals and greater aspirations.

RP Hooks

Crime & Thievery
Does your character like to steal shit? Steal shit with Conor!Does your character carry expensive shit on them? Get your shit stolen by Conor!Do you need a house broken into? A corrupt business ransacked? A place to lay low when the fuzz is hot on your trail? Come to Conor, he'll take care of you.You wanna buy some illicit substances? Come see your local dealer. Surprise, it's Conor! Don't ask about somnus, though. He won't touch the stuff.Is your character a member of law enforcement? I'd love to discuss some hijinks! Come at me!
Meet me in the Woods
Can your character often be found in the Twelveswood? Let's bump into each other!Is your character a Shroud Witch? Conor's connections to this type of lifestyle may surprise you!Is your character lost and stranded in the woods? Conor would be happy to help.Does your character hunt aetherical anomalies, cryptids, or unusual beasts in the Shroud? Do you want a terrifying encounter with such a creature? Hit me up!Is your character a wildling? A shapeshifter? Any other strange resident of the Twelveswood? You know the drill.

( Made with Carrd )